There are six principles to guide Oikocredit’s activities and these are further specified by main goals, detailed objectives and activities.
Oikocredit's Environmental Principles
PRINCIPLE I: We safeguard natural resources and climate in respect of our internal operations and reduce our ecological footprint.
PRINCIPLE II: In our financing of projects, we will take into consideration the assessment of environmental impacts following our standards and plans set up to avoid, mitigate and compensate these impacts.
PRINCIPLE III: We encourage and support our project partners in developing projects which support activities that promote and improve the protection of natural resources and climate and increase Oikocredit’s positive environmental impact.
PRINCIPLE IV: We contribute to an increased level of disaster preparedness of our project partners to meet recent and future challenges as a consequence of climate change.
PRINCIPLE V: We actively promote raising awareness on environmental issues, climate change and sustainable use of natural resources among staff and project partners and promote Oikocredit as a socially and environmentally responsible organization.
PRINCIPLE VI: We continuously improve our corporate culture in environmental and climate protection.